What are nutritional supplements and why do many nutritionists recommend them?

What are nutritional supplements? Nutrients are elements of food compulsory to maintain the normal functions of the body. All energy is supplied by three classes of nutrients: namely carbohydrates, proteins, and fats while in some foods ethanol also provides energy. The eating of these energy-rich molecules is larger than that of the other dietary nutrients. […]

Feed your brain with vitamins and amino acids supplements

One of the fundamentals for your brain health is amino acids supplements. You can prevent many brain disorders like Alzheimer’s disease if you inculcate low fat, full of vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acid-rich supplements in your diet. Maintain the health of your brain with folic acid, CoEnzyme Q10, Alpha Lipoic acid, Gingko Biloba, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Phosphatidyl Serine, and DHA. Your […]

What are antioxidants? How to protect body cells from the oxidation process and damage.

Plant foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and whole-grain foods contain elements beneficial to our health, researches support that some of these foods can delay the occurrence of many age-related diseases. After more research, some bioactive components have been identified in food, such as antioxidants, which are believed that be responsible for maintaining health and for […]

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